

Air Conditioning Installation

Proper installation of your air conditioner is very important. At Andre’s Heating and Cooling, LLC, our Valparaiso Indiana licensed technicians will make sure everything is set up and running correctly. Heating and Air Installation | Andre's Heating and Cooling, LLC Valparaiso Indiana Living in Valparaiso Indiana or just Northwest Indiana, you know about the crazy weather we can get. Proper air conditioning installation is vital in making sure you can be living comfortably in your home on those hot Indiana summer days. Incorrect air conditioning installation can result in a higher energy bill, unnecessary repairs on your air conditioner and poor air flow. Andre’s Heating and Cooling, LLC is your pick for air conditioning installation in Valparaiso Indiana, because of our expert technicians. You need the proper knowledge and skill to correctly install your unit and our technicians have just that. Without the proper training and knowledge, an amateur can run into many issues and cause damage to the air conditioner.

Furnace Installation

Winter time in Valparaiso Indiana can get brutal, that’s why you need Andre’s Heating and Cooling, LLC to install your furnace! Our licensed and bonded technicians have the proper knowledge and skill to install your furnace correctly. At Andre’s Heat and Cooling, we want to educate you on the furnace you have so you have a better understanding on your unit and how you can save yourself money. Your furnace has an Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency. The AFUE is there to show you how your furnace is utilizing fuel. You will save money by having a furnace with a good AFUE percentage. You can also look at your heat pump to see the efficiency. The better the efficiency, the more money you are saving on your electric bill.


Andres Heating and Cooling, LLC

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